Check User Permission with DoesUserHavePermissions In Site, Web, List, ListItem ..

Check permission with:

Name Description
SPSite.DoesUserHavePermissions (SPReusableAcl, SPBasePermissions)
Returns a Boolean value indicates whether the user has permissions for the specified set of rights.
SPSite.DoesUserHavePermissions (SPReusableAcl, SPBasePermissions, SPWeb)
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the user has permissions for the specified Web site and set of rights.
Name Description
SPWeb.DoesUserHavePermissions (SPBasePermissions)
Checks permissions of the current user for a specified set of rights and returns a Boolean value.
SPWeb.DoesUserHavePermissions (String, SPBasePermissions)
Checks permissions of the specified user for a specified set of rights and returns a Boolean value.
Name Description
SPList.DoesUserHavePermissions (SPBasePermissions)
Checks the permissions of the current user on the list.
SPList.DoesUserHavePermissions (SPBasePermissions, Boolean)
Checks the permissions of the list, and, optionally. checks the folder permissions.
SPList.DoesUserHavePermissions (SPUser, SPBasePermissions)
Checks the permissions of a specified user on the list.
Name Description
SPListItem.DoesUserHavePermissions (SPBasePermissions)
Checks whether the current user has the specified permissions to an item.
SPListItem.DoesUserHavePermissions (SPUser, SPBasePermissions)
Checks whether a specified user has the specified permissions to an item.

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